Climate Investor Two (CI2) is an innovative blended finance facility focused on water, oceans and sanitation, managed by Climate Fund Managers (CFM) – the leading climate-centric investment firm. CI2 reached its second close at USD 855 million in December 2022 and has a target size of USD 1 billion. CFM designs and deploys cutting-edge blended finance funds at scale and at pace, working in partnership to co-develop, construct and own sustainable infrastructure solutions. Through its innovative model, CFM has created a blueprint for a new generation of climate financiers, whose collective impact can end the climate crisis. CFM currently manages two emerging market infrastructure funds: Climate Investor One (CI1), an $850m fund focused on renewable energy and Climate Investor Two (CI2). With offices in The Hague, Cape Town and Singapore, CFM is established as a joint venture between the Dutch development bank, FMO, and Sanlam InfraWorks – part of the Sanlam Group of South Africa.

The water, sanitation and oceans sectors are fundamental to human life and economic development and the medium through which the effects of climate change will be most felt on earth. CI2 provides expertise, technology, and financing to infrastructure projects in CFM’s focus markets of Latin America, Asia and Africa by mobilizing private sector financing at scale, supported by catalytic public sector donor funding.Formed in partnership with Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) and the European Commission (EC), CI2 uses the same blended finance structure as the firm’s inaugural blended finance fund Climate Investor One (CI1). This structure simplifies the manner in which capital is deployed and reduces complexity by delivering an innovative “whole-of-life” solution that provides a single financing source for each of the respective development, construction, and operational phases of a project’s lifecycle. Through its CI2 Development Fund, CI2 provides early-stage project development services and financing. Through its CI2 Construction Equity Fund, CI2 provides equity finance that accelerates project construction. With this approach, CI2 is designed to implement more projects faster, delivering positive environmental and social impact sooner.


The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system, and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.

UNEP’s work includes assessing global, regional and national environmental conditions and trends; developing international and national environmental instruments; and strengthening institutions for the wise management of the environment.

UNEP’s work is categorised into seven broad thematic areas: climate change, disasters and conflicts, ecosystem management, environmental governance, chemicals and waste, resource efficiency, and environment under review. In all of our work, we maintain our overarching commitment to sustainability.

Conservational International

CI works to spotlight and secure the critical benefits that nature provides to humanity. Conservation International applies a “whole ocean” approach by designing solutions that address issues in the context of the entire system so that multiple benefits can be achieved and unintended negative consequences can be avoided.

CI balances the many ways people interact with nature, including food production, economic development, community involvement and traditional knowledge sharing. This approach engages partners across all levels — from individual fishers to coastal communities to national governments — integrates science with traditional approaches, and acknowledges the connection between ecosystems and economics. Since its inception, CI has helped to protect more than 6 million square kilometres of land and sea across more than 70 countries. CI has offices in 29 countries and 2,000 partners worldwide globally.

Prime Africa

Prime Africa is as a specialist provider of environmental and resource economic services, offering an range of service including specialist financial and economic analysis, market intelligence and strategic and technical planning. The company has extensive expertise in costal and marine environments and has performed work for various governments and public entities focussing on managing marine protected areas to optimize economic benefits and to forecast effects of climate change.

Prime Africa has partnered with UN Environment Programme (UNEP) on a large number of studies in seven African countries that evaluated ecological assets for policy and investment development purposes. It has also assisted countries with developing investment opportunities for ecosystem-based enterprises, under contract to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). Over the past 10 years, Prime Over the past 10 years, Prime Africa has performed over 200 significant studies spanning various aspects of resource economics.